Roselyn Elliott

  • Stuart Gunter is a finalist of Streetlight Magazine’s 2019 Poetry Contest.

    Finish these sentences to express your true feelings:
    I always wanted to be intelligent, maybe a college
    professor, or a poet. […]

  • Natalia Prusinska is a finalist of Streetlight Magazine’s 2019 Poetry Contest.

    I took the jar of jam sealed with heat and wrapped it in old
    towels. I placed it carefully in my suitcase among the […]

  • Joanna Lee is a finalist of Streetlight Magazine’s 2019 Poetry Contest.

    We found two dead babies on the back granite slab
    that serves as a stoop, the same
    we salvaged from up home years ago, decaying
    in […]

  • Marco Patitucci is a finalist of Streetlight Magazine’s 2019 Poetry Contest.

    We measured small steps
    as giant leaps
    and never felt sameness,
    nameless lunar imposters
    dancing over the […]

  • Alina Stefanescu is a finalist of Streetlight Magazine’s 2019 Poetry Contest.

    In my terror-hemmed flesh. The
    wince against their raised voices of
    desperate sirens, careful guarding
    of pulse from […]

    I said

    I think I said

    I must have said

    don’t cross

    did I know

    should I have known

    did I email, call, text

    stay on the sidewalk

    he was far away

    was h […]

  • Brass soldiers line up
    and pitch to his tune.
    Piano man rules the room.
    Hot, not sweet,
    the band chases the beat.
    Strings of guitars
    slice the air into bars
    and a velvety sax
    swings for a splash
    while […]

  • As I pass the willow-lined pond,
    the wheels on my bike click over new cement cracks
    from the toll of winter’s thaw.
    How is it that not much has changed?
    The arms of the same cedars droop over the same s […]

  • For Steve Gray, in Sarasota
    The pine tops burn orange,
    loud and strange: a train screaming on
    burning tracks into the full moon.
    The moon flutes sunlight to my upturned eyes:
    I am as unable as the stars to […]

  • Lobster mitts might cushion the ache,
    my hands numbed
    by these cold, rain-wet stalks. The stakes
    tenacious, anchored
    in beds slimed here and there with rot.
    Cut twine and a vine collapses,
    limp as kelp. Tug […]

  • The Moth
    It would be too simple
    to describe its motives
    as a flame off course,
    a light mistaken for sun.
    Loveliness is complicated,
    a white body against darkness,
    the night’s counterfeit
    just beyond a s […]

  • A once resplendent roan
    lying on its side, legs flailing,
    as if it thought—
    as if, in its final moment
    it could think at all—
    that it was still running,
    wild and free.

    So disdainful, so hig […]

  • Nightfall
    There are stories
    no one knows.
    High summer.

    The sound of tree frogs
    from all quarters.

    Infra Dig
    You know how when the sky
    goes to hell in the west
    there’s inevitably a black do […]

  • It’s hard to see him as a farmer, isn’t it?
    Bending over the rows of lettuce and corn,
    feeling the ears between his thumb and forefinger,

    all the while remembering breadfruit and mango?
    It’s hard to see h […]

  • When we lie side-by-side in an afterglow, he says,
    I used to be a man of my word. Neither of us wants
    to label his intentions, fearful of finding the meaning
    in definition. Our fingers come together, […]

  • Gary Beaumier is the 1st place winner of Streetlight Magazine’s 2019 Poetry Contest.
    Night Train to Paris
    Our aged bodies
    surrender to the sway
    and lurch of the train
    as we have passed through
    the long […]

  • National Poetry Month Daily Blog with Poem

    Revising a draft, for me, means returning to the poem from several perspectives. I might change the speaker from first person to second or third person, or change the […]

  • Roselyn Elliott wrote a new post 5 years ago

    It is the reach and sweep
    of the horizon
    that seduces the eye
    the darker folds of clouds
    the insinuation
    of rose just above the water
    a breeze moist and warm
    like the touch of first love

    a boat […]

  • Roselyn Elliott wrote a new post 5 years ago

    Sunshine at last, & the woodland walks dappled with it.
    On a patch-speckled side-path skirting a pond,
    an immense tortoise, sunning itself.
    Sshh, she said, as if they had been talking too loudly, or at all,
    & […]

  • Roselyn Elliott wrote a new post 5 years ago

    My Bride Face
    Families from far apart met in Sengen Shrine.

    I didn’t know the ritual;
    reciting words, in heavy gold
    kimono, geisha-face and geta.
    I wore a wooden wig.

    Later, in ivory and tiara, I sang k […]

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Streetlight Magazine is the non-profit home for unpublished fiction, poetry, essays, and art that inspires. Submit your work today!