Message by Mary Christine Kane

moonlight on night sea with large rock

Last night I called you. Moon sharp, I said, like an important message. Look up. The sky has opened its story and shined its shy star. It’s a pearl plucked from the deep. Look up before she hides before we forget the oyster, that we are surrounded by sea. Mary Christine Kane works in healthcare marketing and lives in Minneapolis, Minn. She holds an MFA from Hamline University. Mary’s poetry and essays have appeared in numerous journals and anthologies including Bluestem; Mutabilis Press; Plainsongs Magazine; The Buffalo Anthology, Right Here, Right Now; and others. Her … Continue reading Message by Mary Christine Kane

Past Issues


Issue no. 49, Spring 2024 Streetlight‘s 2024 Art Contest: Winner Mimm Patterson Streetlight‘s 2024 Poetry Contest: 1st Linda Parsons, 2nd Patricia Hemminger, 3rd Joyce Compton Brown, Honorable Mention Joan Mazza, Honorable Mention John Beck, Honorable Mention Ty Phelps Poetry: Victoria Korth, Christina Hauck, David B. Prather, Richard Weaver, Bobby Parrott, Gary Grossman, Robert Harlow Fiction: MaryLewis Meador, Sean Nishi, William Cass, John Brantingham, Catherine Chiarella Domonkos Essay/Memoir: Margarita Meyendorf, Laura Shaine, John Matthews, Angela Townsend Art: Christopher Woods Podcast: The View Issue no. 48, Winter 2024 Fiction: Lydia Gwyn, Ellen Weeren, Travis Flatt, Michael Paul … Continue reading Past Issues