On Marriage to a Statue by Emily Bornstein

Photo of statue
Photo by Igor Ferreira on Unsplash
I could have stayed married to David if he
wasn’t so unwaveringly chiseled. If his deceptively supple
face wasn’t so perfectly defined. If Michelangelo could
have given me a dress that was low-cut, a dress that
would force David’s undulating cliffs of eternal gray hair to turn
and fly rebelliously (momentarily) from the craggy sides of his head.
Alas, I have no such dress (but rather, baggy plaid pajama
pants that some dancers shot off the stage at a bar mitzvah) and I figure
that even a silvery ball gown couldn’t turn me tamed and stony. I can’t stay
married to David, for he displays rippling honesty, stoic nakedness, and
then there’s my stigmatism (which I figure wouldn’t attract so many doting tourists).

Besides, I’d rather marry someone softer, more concrete.

Emily Bornstein
Emily Bornstein is presently the Editor-in-Chief of her high school’s literary magazine and the school newspaper. She also enjoys playing the guitar and piano, and volunteering in a social skills group for children with special needs. Her work has appeared or is forthcoming in BoomerLitMag, Cacti Fur, Edison Literary Review, The Lascaux Review, Packingtown Review, and Steam Ticket.

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