Brush a thin film over the slit on your papered skin—
………..feel the throbbing start to numb.
Shields against……………………………..daily scrapes
……………………………………………………blisters and callouses
……………………………………………………exposed nerves
I scan directions for
protection from…………………………….splintered remarks
lodged so deep
they remain hidden
until the skin regenerates……………….pushing the sharpness slowly
……………………………………………………toward the surface
Search for……………………………………toxic comments from others
…………………………………………………..places not yet recovered
…………………………………………………..pummeled layers from sharp tongues
turned red to purple to blue to yellow from deep tissues that ooze their spew.
Scars that never faded,
alleyways from the past.
My palms sweat as I touch the thick callouses
breathe deeply, revisit Let go
knowing how proud flesh bridges a cut
and gaps fill in with patience.
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