Last night I dreamt of a bear
who carries us through the forest on his back.
He goes through the mud,
we cling to his fur,
he wants to bury us
in a storyteller’s throat.
Julia Travers is a poet, author, artist and journalist. Her creative writing appears with OnBeing, The Mindfulness Bell and Heron Tree Poetry Journal, among other publications. She holds a BA in Literary and Cultural Studies from The College of William and Mary and a BFA in Art Education from Virginia Commonwealth University. She is on Twitter @traversjul.
At Night
the bear.
the tree
the bear
would be.
Tom Montag is the author of In This Place: Selected Poems 1982-2013, This Wrecked World, and The Miles No One Wants. He has been a featured poet at Atticus Review, Contemporary American Voices, Houseboat, and Basil O’Flaherty Review, and has received Pushcart Prize nominations from Provo Canyon Review, Blue Heron Review, and The Lake.
Featured image: Großer Wagen (Part of Ursa Major) by Tobias Barz. CC license.