
  • I’m surprised this hasn’t happened to me… thank goodness we have a generator! And the oxygen tanks? They won’t pick up extras (“No sir, we were told to pick up 5 and drop off 5.”) But in one year, I had to bury […]


    Podcast: When a woman faces the loss of a beloved, aging pet, she finds herself confronting her own experience with age and death.

    A short story performed by Jennifer Sims.

    Read the story online: E […]

  • When whales and porpoises beach themselves en masse, people react and mobilize in response to the tragedy. The sight of cetaceans dying from dehydration or drowning, and the inevitability of their slow, suffering […]

  • Who am I?
    Why am I here?
    What do I want?
    What do I offer?

    Last week, when I attended an event about purposeful living, a group of 10 people meditated briefly and answered these same questions. We had agreed […]

  • One summer evening, long after dusk, I was relaxing on a porch in a comfy chair next to a novelist I’d just met when she softly announced, “The stars in the sky look like an ocean. But I’m high, so maybe that’s […]

  • I like games. I like cooperative, team-building games in particular.

    Here is a game called Midnight Adventure that I played in competition with several teams:
    A group of five people (my team) worked together […]

  • Rose, you are a woman after my own heart! I had never encountered the term biophilia, but I’ve heard the concept espoused many times before.

  • Being disowned by your family is often an integral part of the queer experience. It’s a common story that I find is meticulously avoided in popular, escapist/pulp media—an effect of heterosexism that erases and d […]

  • Mathina, I don’t relate, but I can empathize. From my alternate experience: “…precisely what is lacking in the social media world: loss of connection.” So… different but related: […]

  • Les, you just summed up my experience this year! I got accepted by a journal that doesn’t use Submittable and they had a theme (first times) for their call. I’m glad you gave mention to those aspects of submitting […]

  • For as long as I can remember, I’ve enjoyed being a creative person. I’ve occasionally been labeled “artsy-fartsy” or some similarly dismissive phrase. And I’ve struck back and used my own pejorative, the phrase […]

  • 2017 was an amazing year for Streetlight Magazine owing to the excellent content submitted by writers and poets from all over the world. Our editors chose six nominees for The Pushcart Prize (best of small […]

  • Last week was a mess! Well, at least that’s what I’ve been told. In my purpose-coaching practice, I had four clients in a row who used the word “mess” to describe their life these days. One client said, “becaus […]

  • Spriggan Radfae wrote a new post 7 years ago

    Discussion about multiculturalism can have a polarizing effect on people and it often slides into train wreck conversations or initiates a war of words. People tend to pick sides based on affiliation and then […]

  • Thanks for sharing this powerful personal story, Cora. I am still in shock that such wanton hate unfolded in our peaceful Charlottesville. I’m so glad your family survived the tragedy uninjured.

  • Sharron, those nearly 80 years you’ve been around have refined your writing and artistry. This is a memoir filled with delicious visuals.

  • For most of my youth, I lived in a secure blanket of belonging. I belonged to the groups of people that surrounded me at my school and church: white Christians, married couples with children (children like me), […]

  • You have stalked about fifty agents and know what they like with their toast and where their poodles get their haircuts. The ten minutes you got to spend with some of them at writers’ conferences bought you n […]

  • Writing a story from a foreign or external perspective offers not only the reward of expanding your own awareness about people but can also lead to empathy for others that you may not have had before. To write […]

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Streetlight Magazine is the non-profit home for unpublished fiction, poetry, essays, and art that inspires. Submit your work today!