Streetlight Voices: Short Fiction & Memoir · Firedamp by Tonja Matney Reynolds Podcast: A story that captures the dimming light. A fictional story performed by Joe Guay. Read the story online: Firedamp by Tonja Matney Reynolds Follow us!
The canary was still. It was too late to run. Too late to escape. Too late to pray for God’s mercy. Matt had been one of the lucky ones, one of sixteen coal miners chosen to work on a Saturday morning. His boy Luke brought the count to seventeen. Matt expected him to be excited for his first day of work, but Luke had been dawdling all morning. When they finally stepped inside the mine, the other men were already gathered a hundred feet ahead. Their carbide headlamps shone on the uneven, rough-cut earth … Continue reading Firedamp by Tonja Matney Reynolds →
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